Why Google’s AI Overviews Only Appear in 3% of Searches: How They Work and What It Means for SEO

Why Google’s AI Overviews Only Appear in 3% of Searches: How They Work and What It Means for SEO

August 12, 2024
ai overview

The recent study by NewzDash have some interesting insights on Google’s AI Overviews appearance frequency in trending news searches, and the results is nothing less than surprising.

So, here’s the scoop: out of more than 10,000 trending news searches, Google’s AI-generated summaries—known as AI Overviews—only appeared in 3.9% of them. That’s a pretty small slice of the pie. In fact, for a whopping 96.1% of the searches, those AI summaries weren’t in sight.

Why Should You Care?

Limited Presence: The fact that AI Overviews only show up in a tiny fraction of searches means they’re not dominating the search results. Most of the time, you won’t be seeing those AI-generated summaries at the top of your search results.

Focus on Health: When they do appear, it’s mostly for health-related searches. This makes sense because AI Overviews are designed to pull in reliable information from trusted sources like the Mayo Clinic or the NIH, which are crucial for health topics.

News and Sports: For breaking news, sports, or trending topics, AI Overviews are almost absent. Google’s approach here is all about keeping things accurate and timely. They’re not letting AI summaries take over in areas where up-to-the-minute info is essential.

Data Collection: The study used a tool called ZipTie.dev to keep tabs on how often AI Overviews showed up in search results over nine weeks, checking every 15 minutes. Talk about thorough!

Impact on Users: For those searching online, this means AI summaries won’t dominate your search results. Instead, you’re more likely to see them when you’re looking up health information.

Content Strategy: If you’re creating content, especially in health or science, it’s a good idea to focus on high-quality, reliable information. For news and trending topics, keep your content fresh and timely. Also, don’t forget about optimizing for featured snippets, which are still valuable.

What are AI Overviews?

Over the past 25 years, Google has continually evolved its search capabilities, and with the advent of generative AI, Search can now provide more advanced features. AI Overviews, powered by the Gemini model, are part of this evolution. Their purpose is to offer users immediate, reliable insights on their searches, reducing the need to sift through multiple sources. This feature aims to enhance user satisfaction by providing both a snapshot of information and relevant links for deeper exploration.

How AI Overviews Work?

Data Aggregation: Google’s AI systems scan and analyze vast amounts of online content from trusted websites, databases, and other sources. For instance, in the health sector, reputable sites like the Mayo Clinic or the National Institutes of Health are often referenced.

Natural Language Processing (NLP): The AI uses NLP techniques to understand and process human language. It identifies key information, context, and relevant details from the collected data.

Content Summarization: The AI generates a concise summary, combining relevant information from multiple sources. The summary is crafted to be easily understandable and directly relevant to the user’s query.

Presentation: The overview is then presented at the top of the search engine results page (SERP). It may include text, bullet points, or other formats, depending on the query and the type of information.


The limited appearance of AI Overviews in search results reflects Google’s cautious use of this feature, not a general statement about the ranking potential of AI-generated content. AI-generated content can rank well if it meets high-quality standards and is relevant to users’ needs. However, human involvement remains crucial in ensuring that content is accurate, reliable, and valuable.